Thursday, January 31, 2008

Reaction to Newsweek article

The New Wisdom of the Web

The above article takes the discussion of Web 2.0 further. I feel like I'm caught up into some kind of SI-FI plot. There is a collective intelligence aided by technology that can troubleshoot and make decisions better than not only individuals but also the experts themselves. Old power holders no longer control the media. This is scary in a way. What if we decided to throw out government and move to a pure democracy through Web 2.0 technology where every decision that affects society is decided by behavior on the web? This kind of like the show, "Who wants to be a Millionaire?” where the crowd is always right. My fear lies in the truth that the crowd is not always right.

Any ways, paranoia aside, this article was helpful to me. I can now see that I need to do better about keeping up with new trends in technology and consider how they impact my students and I. I also need to see how I can use this in the classroom. I think that at the very least a lot of this Web 2.0 stuff will give me new avenues of collaboration professionally. Teachers should collaborate.

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