Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jonathan 03/27/2008

Copyright Confusion Is Shortchanging Our Students

This article speaks to one of the fears that teachers have using media in the classroom. When we want to use something creatively we are afraid of becoming one of those high profile cases of copyright infringements with tens of thousands of dollars to pay. We, as teachers are also afraid of letting our students use media and stifle their creativity so that we can be sure that they are safe. However, there is a lot of misinformation out there from media producers to institutions of education. The fact is that there is a fair use law, which states that, “Copyright is designed not only to protect the rights of owners, but also to preserve the ability of users to promote creativity and innovation”. I don’t know if this is the exact letter of the law but it is a really clear definition that the article gives. I know that I have sort of lived in a fear about this. I’ve seen the misinformation and have, as most have, played it safe out of fear.

The implications for the classroom are that we should be clear on what the copyright laws are, and fair use. We need to give our students and ourselves as much creative wiggle room as possible. If our goal is grater creativity then we will naturally be in a safer place anyway and not stealing or doing little for the fear of getting fined.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Reading #8

Critical Issue:
Using Technology to Enhance Literacy Instruction

This article serves as a guide, of sorts, for integrating technology into a school. It includes some of the pitfalls and arguments. It addresses the roles of participants.

This would be good for a team or leader type person trying to implement technology tools in their school. I got to be honest though. This was a very dry and poorly designed article. It comes off, as something written by some one writing something they are forced to write with in a time constraint. I would really not recommend it, unless you need something to put you to sleep at night.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Reading #8

When the BOOK? When the Net?

What a great evaluation on Internet research from the trenches. I agree with much of what he has said. Stick me into a library any day. With a good book I can find the kind and quality of information that indeed fast. The Internet is like a treasure hunt with rich maps and poor treasure.

My balance argument is this: if you know how to use the Internet it can unlock lots of good material. The problem is that you kind of due have to have advanced searching skills and a real sense about what to look for, and when you find information you have to sort through it differently. What I d think is that the authors experience is what most people, even those who often use the net, experience. In the end, you need searching and evaluation tools and skills, and you just need to get a good old book now and then.